lift services

Our 360 Cost Reduction Program is the ultimate service for companies wishing to reduce business costs and lift profits. Aside from this program we also provide the following services to our clients ...

1. Review, Analysis and Audit of Current Business Costs

We will look at your current business model and conduct a complete review, analysis and audit of your People, IT, Service and Management spending (or any of these areas individually) and advise where cost reductions can be made, to enable profitability. We also look at sales, general and administrative costs (SG&A) as well as cost of goods sold (COGS) and analyse your entire supply chain, as well as procurement practices.This review is very comprehensive and follows the same criteria as that in our 360 Cost Reduction Program.

2. Review, Analysis and Audit of Future / Planned Business Costs

Many companies in their zeal for rapid expansion make the mistake of overcapitalising, only to regret it later. Having your business model analysed for cost issues prior to any major expansion or recruitment initiative can save a huge amount of time and of course, costs. We come into the picture by carefully analysing your costs versus potential for profitability, and advise on the most effective course of action. This service is also suitable for clients wishing to purchase or acquire a new business or invest in any new venture, as the risks of 'spending too much' are possible.

3. Cost Reduction Strategy Development

Having a well researched and documented strategy is critical to any cost reduction process. For companies who are confident in their ability to conduct their own independent review, analysis and audit, we provide strategy development to ensure execution is handled in a controlled and accountable manner. Our comprehensive strategy will outline in clear and practical language, the full scope of the cost reduction process including roles, timelines and strategies for negotiating with suppliers and vendors.

4. Cost Reduction Training & Mentoring

Training is critical in understanding just how the cost reduction process works. Since very few professional have refined and developed this skill, it is needed now more than ever. We are one of only a handful of companies in Australia that provide training and mentoring in the area of cost reduction management. We provide training in all areas, from the basics of reducing costs, to managing the full implementation of a cost reduction strategy. We also run structured workshops for corporate's in-house and also also run public workshops for professionals in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane see here for our schedule

For more information regarding the services at Lift Group please contact us directly and read our faqs