Reduce Costs by up to 50% and Lift Profits our results have surprised even the most thrifty financial controllers & CFO's
Recruitment & Selection
Salaries & Incentives
Training & Development
Payroll & Super
Temporary Staffing
HR Outsourcing
Hardware & Networks
Software Licensing
ERP Implementations
Printing & Storage
Websites & Hosting
Insurance & Taxation
Accounting & Legal
Marketing & Advertising
Travel & Fleet Management
Property Purchase & Leasing
Supply Chain & Procurement
Individual Engagement
Team Productivity
Retention & Turnover
Health & Wellbeing
Stress, Tension & Anxiety
Workplace Morale & Energy

About the Lift Group ...
Lift Group is Australia's leading cost reduction management consultancy, providing cost optimisation strategies in the areas of HR, IT, services & management, to small and medium sized enterprises across Australia. Lift Group assists companies in multiple industries, including not-for-profit, educational institutions and government bodies to create >>

What the Lift Group offers...
Lift offers a fresh perspective and approach to your organisation, one that is totally independent. Our role serves to create a solution that benefits all stakeholders. We believe even the most strictly and cautiously managed operations will have multiple cost areas that have not been managed to their optimum level, and our expertise could assist your company in >>

Services from the Lift Group ...
Lift Group works with all size businesses from a local team of a few, to national and international companies of many thousand employees. We also work with start-ups looking to create a viable cost base before inception, and businesses that are seeking to expand. Creating an effective cost reduction strategy prior to any major expansion can save >>

What is Cost Reduction Management...
Cost reduction management is not about spending freezes and layoffs, nor is it about finding the cheapest supplier or vendor.  It's about understanding the dynamic nature of markets, customers, competitors, operations and optimising all business costs to produce the greatest results. It's also about creating organisational stability during any economic cycle, and >>

Common Cost Reduction Mistakes ...
There is a marked difference between cost reduction and cost reduction management, with many companies fail in the critical ‘management’ element. When revenues fall, costs are often blindly reduced, rather than effectively managed. Reducing the wrong costs can have a dramatic effect on an entire business - one that may take years to reverse >>

Cost Reduction without Layoffs and Changing Vendors ...
Lift Group aims to reduce costs with minimal disruptions and redirect spending towards areas that create the greatest revenue opportunities.
We will never advocate staff termination measures unless absolutely necessary, nor do will we recommend new suppliers and vendors unless we feel they are integral to the cost reduction process >>

lift group management cost survey, june 2010 cost reduction management workshop, training and mentoring